Go crazy with daisies You can decorate your home or business with white daisies, have a dress down day and wear white or yellow to work/school, get baking and have a bake sale with yellow or white daisy cakes/ cake pops, or even have a daisy treasure hunt around your village or school. What ever your idea we’d love for you to get involved. For more information or to register you would like to take part in our Daisy Appeal please email Rachel or call 01636 600120. Retailers and cafes can get involved by decorating windows and creating white daisy displays Local schools and groups can get involved in creating handmade daisy bunting or using paper plates to create their own daisy exhibit If you are a local business and you would like daisies to be drawn with chalk pens for your window display, please email Katie to arrange a time and date. Thank you uni pen for the donation of pens. Download your own template of daisies here Thank you to Historic Newark in Bloom, Ringrose Law and Bellway for sponsoring this year's Daisy Appeal. Manage Cookie Preferences