Leave a Gift in Your Will Thank you for considering leaving a gift to us in your Will which will help to make sure that we can continue providing our specialist service for local children and families affected by bereavement or terminal-illness, whenever they need us. When making a Will, you will of course be thinking of your own friends and loved ones first but after providing for them, you could make a special difference with what remains by leaving a gift to the Children's Bereavement Centre. The two main types of legacies that people leave are: residuary and pecuniary. Residuary: when a person leaves a percentage of their estate to a charity. This means that however much your estate is ultimately worth, you ensure your loved ones are looked after as well as giving a gift to charity. It also means that you don't have to keep altering your Will as your circumstances change. Pecuniary: a set sum of money or alternatively a chattel or chattels such as jewellery, a painting, antique furniture or a house. Already made a Will but want to leave us a gift? If you have already made a Will it is important that you keep it up to date which is very straightforward. If you now wish to leave a gift in your existing Will to the Children's Bereavement Centre, your solicitor simply attaches a written instruction, called a codicil. Get a professional to do this as you may inadvertently invalidate your Will. If there are a number of changes you wish to make, it may be better to make a new Will. Case Study Link If you would like a new will, you could contact Solicitor Carrie Stack of APT Legal who offers a friendly and professional Will writing service at your home in the East Midlands and Peterborough or her office in Newark. Please mention the Children's Bereavement Centre (and let us know) when you make your Will as Carrie will donate 15% of her fee back to us. E: [email protected]W: www.apt-legal.co.uk Manage Cookie Preferences